Ice swimming pool in the winter, Steps, hand-rails and garden chair in the frozen blue pool ice-hole
It may feel like the depths of winter, but spring is on its way! If you’re anything like us, you’ve started your to-do list for the warmer weather. After all, It’ll be here before you know it!
We recommend adding some pool and spa maintenance to your list. Opening your pool or spa for the summer is the perfect time to make sure it gets a thorough going over. Adding ‘pool maintenance’ to your spring-cleaning list may seem formidable, but prepped with the right tools and know how from the pool experts, it will be the one of the simplest chores on your list. And if you feel it is out of your depth, or more extensive cleaning or maintenance is required, make sure you book an appointment with us today. We will happily and effectively handle all your cleaning and maintenance needs. That way the only thing you’ll have to worry about is being the first one in the pool.
While we’re waiting for pool weather, here are some fun pool-themed ways to get outside and have fun before winter is over.
- Any old pool inflatables or kick boards on their way out this spring season? Get some final wintery use out of them before throwing them away! Use your old tubes or boards as toboggans and ride down those snow drifts. There’s nothing quite like riding a giant pink flamingo down a frosty snow-covered hill in February!
- Remember the fun of hunting for dive rings in the pool? Well, you can translate that into some winter fun too! Mark out an area of deep snow, have someone randomly throw in the rings, and now the hunt begins. The person who uncovers the most points by the end wins!
- Have some old pool noodles lying around? Use them to help reinforce the walls of your snow fort or castle. With some added pool noodle support, your snow fort will be prepared to fend off any snowball attack!
It’s always nice to enjoy winter while it’s here. Before you know it you’ll be back splashing around having some proper pool fun!